pySpeckle examples - unexpected keyword argument 'skip_defaults'

I am following through the examples on GitHub, but I am getting a strange error when I try to fetch a single object using the example in the README. I know the objects are there, because I have viewed them with the SpeckleViewer:

streamId = 'QSGAnXVef'
stream = client.streams.get(streamId)

# Fetch a single object using its placeholder ID
object = client.objects.get(stream.objects[0].id)
TypeError: dict() got an unexpected keyword argument 'skip_defaults'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ErrorDuringImport                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-36-6b5ca7cc4009> in <module>
      4 # Fetch a single object using its placeholder ID
----> 5 object = client.objects.get(stream.objects[0].id)
      7 # Fetch the objects all at once using an optional query dict

# [...]

ErrorDuringImport: problem in speckle.schemas - TypeError: dict() got an unexpected keyword argument 'skip_defaults'

Any idea what is going on here?

PS. There are a also couple of script errors (I think, 'cause Python complains about them…):

# Fetch the objects all at once using an optional query dict 
# [**the value for 'omit' should be a list, I assume**]
objects = client.objects.get_bulk([ for o in stream.objects], {'omit':['base64','displayValue']})

# Print out some object info 
# [**note that closing parenthesis is missing in example**]
for o in objects:
    print("Object {} is type {}".format(, o.type))